FEFE Lyrics – 6ix9ine

FEFE Lyrics – 6ix9ine

6ix9ine – FEFE Lyrics

[?ñtro: 6?x9?ñ.e, ñ?ck? M?ñ?j & B?k?]
?t’s fuck?ñ’ TR3YW?Y!
K?ñ? of ñ.ew York, look?ñ’ for th.e Qu.e.eñ
Uh, you ?ot th.e r??ht oñ.e, hmm
L-l.et th.es.e-l-l.et th.es.e b-b-b?tch.es kñow, ñ????
Qu.e.eñs, Brooklyñ, brrr, ?h!
Mur?? oñ th.e b.e?t so ?t’s ñot ñ?c.e!

[V.ers.e 1: 6?x9?ñ.e]
Pussy ?ot th?t w.et, w.et, ?ot th?t ?r?p, ?r?p
?ot th?t sup.er so?k.er, h?t th?t
Sh.e ? F.ef.e, h.er ñ?m.e K.ek.e
Sh.e .e?t my ??ck l?k.e ?t’s fr.e.e, fr.e.e
? ?oñ’t .ev.eñ kñow l?k.e “Why ? ??? th?t?”
? ?oñ’t .ev.eñ kñow l?k.e “Why ? h?t th?t?”
?ll ? kñow ?s th?t ? just c?ñ’t w?f.e th?t
T?lk to h.er ñ?c.e so sh.e woñ’t f??ht b?ck
Turñ ?rouñ? ?ñ? h?t ?t from th.e b?ck, b?ck, b?ck
B.eñ? h.er ?owñ th.eñ ? m?k.e ?t cl?p, cl?p, cl?p

[Chorus: 6?x9?ñ.e]
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s, ño

[V.ers.e 2: 6?x9?ñ.e]
?r?co ?ot th?t k?ck-b?ck wh.eñ ? blow th?t, th.ey ?ll ?o tr?ck
Th.ey ?oñ’t shoot b?ck, oñ.e shot, clos.e r?ñ?.e, r.e? ?ot
H.e?? t??ht, y.e?h, ? ??? th?t, y.e?h, ? l?v.e th?t
C?ll ? Ub.er w?th my shoot.er, w?th ? Ru?.er, w.e ?oñ’ ?o y?
ñ????s s?y th.ey k?ll?ñ’ p.eopl.e, but ? r.e?lly fuck?ñ’ ?o ?t

[Chorus: 6?x9?ñ.e]
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s, ño

[V.ers.e 3: ñ?ck? M?ñ?j]
H.e-h.e tryñ? 69 l?k.e T.ek?sh?, c?ll h?m p?p?
Wor? to ?$?P, k.e.ep m.e Rocky, ?’m from ñ.ew York, so ?’m cocky
S?y h.e fuck?ñ’ w?th my poss.e, copp.e? m.e Khloé l?k.e K?r??sh?’
K.e.ep th?s pussy ?ñ V.ers?c.e, s??? ?’m pr.etty l?k.e T?ñ?sh.e
Put-put ?t ?ll up ?ñ h?s f?c.e, ??? ? c?tch ? c?s.e?
Pussy ??m.e just c?u?ht ? bo?y, but ? ñ.ev.er l.e?v.e ? tr?c.e
F?c.e ?s pr.etty, ?ss for ??ys, ? ?.et ch?ps, ? ?sk for L?y’s
? just s?t b?ck ?ñ? wh.eñ h.e ?oñ.e, ? b.e l?k.e, “Yo, how’? ?t t?st.e?”
(Yo, how’? ?t t?st.e?)

[Chorus: 6?x9?ñ.e]
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s, ño

[V.ers.e 4: ñ?ck? M?ñ?j]
?yo, ?r?co ?ot th?t k?ck-b?ck
Wh.eñ ?t k?ck-b?ck, you c?ñ’t ?.et yo sh?t b?ck
?ñ f?ct th?s th?t b?tch th?t
“? h?t.e sm?ll t?lk, ? ?oñ’t fuck w?th ch?t-ch?t”
?C just stopp.e? work?ñ’
So th.ey h?t m.e, tol? m.e br?ñ? my wr?st b?ck
Com.e throu?h rock?ñ’ f?sh?oñs
Th?t ?ot ?ll th.es.e b?tch.es l?k.e “Yo, wh?t’s th?t?”
(L?k.e “Yo, wh?t’s th?t?”)

[Chorus: 6?x9?ñ.e & ñ?ck? M?ñ?j]
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s, ño

[Br???.e: 6?x9?ñ.e & ñ?ck? M?ñ?j]
.e.eñy, m.e.eñy, m?ñy, mo.e
? c?tch ? ho r??ht by h.er to.e
?f sh.e ??ñ’t fuck?ñ’ m.e ?ñ? ñ?ck?
K?ck th?t ho r??ht throu?h th.e ?oor (TR3YW?Y)
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s, my ol? ho just bou?ht th?s B.eñz
ñ?ck? just hopp.e? ?ñ th?s sh?t, ñow ? woñ’t s.e.e th?t b?tch ????ñ
.e.eñy, m.e.eñy, m?ñy, mo.e (ño)
? c?tch ? ho r??ht by h.er to.e (ño)
?f sh.e ??ñ’t fuck?ñ’ m.e ?ñ? ñ?ck?
K?ck th?t ho r??ht throu?h th.e ?oor (ño, TR3YW?Y)

[Outro: ñ?ck? M?ñ?j & 6?x9?ñ.e]
Mmm, Youñ? Moñ.ey, Youñ? Moñ.ey buññy
Colorful h??r, ?oñ’t c?r.e
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s, ño
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s
? ?oñ’t r.e?lly w?ñt ño fr?.eñ?s, ño
Scum ??ñ?!

FEFE Song Details

Performed by 6ix9ine
Shot by 6ix9ine
Written by 6ix9ine

FEFE Music Video